Monday, July 31, 2006

Well I have to admit, I've been feeling a bit depressed this past week. All this war and hot weather is enough to make me think the world is coming to an end. Then today I listened to a few of my favorite podcasts and felt much better. This one (3 things), felt like a breath of fresh air. And I always enjoy this one (NC) and this one (TWIS).
I love that I can go to Comcast with my wonky DVR cable box and say, 'It's acting funny." And they'll give me a new one! The joy of box rental and service all for one low price! Now I can watch the Closer! and catch up on my On Demand Anime.
I went to a pool party this weekend, it was nice and cool. We celebrated a birthday, ate cake and ice cream (that I made!) and cooled off in the pool. I can't help but wonder if generations to come will look upon the pool as a huge waste of water. Still I had fun.
A friend is going to lovely San Francisco, CA this week and I recommended the Japanese Gardens there in the park. That's where these pics are from. I love Japanese gardens and have added them to my 'travel to do list.' Along with Art Museums, Librarys and Zoos. All of which are trumped by amusement parks with rollar coasters.
And Savage Chickens always cheer me up.