Sunday, July 29, 2007

Found that other cat a new home and got a new kitten, Kisa! Some may recognize the name from a certain anime/manga, Fruits Basket.
Saw the Simpsons Movie. It was fantastic. The best TV Show to movie transition ever. No gimmicky stuff, no over shooting with a huge plot. Just a great, longer episode with fantastic animation. Speaking of fantastic, I finally watched Fantastic 4, so now I can go see Silver Surfer.

Friday, July 20, 2007

Well I'm an Otaku. I have to admit I just did the stand in line for the last Harry Potter book. I love that a book has created such a stir. I loved chatting with strangers that were fellow Otaku. I had been thinking I would do the stand in line for Leopard (Mac OS X.5), in October. Mostly to do a live blog entry for But I'd have to drive a couple hours to get to my closest Apple store, so I wasn't that committed. I had such fun tonite, I think I'm definitely going to do it in October. I hear Apple Stores make a big fuss for the whole thing! Anyway I bought 2 copies of the book, even though Amazon delivers mine tomorrow. But I ended up having to work tomorrow and I was worried that the post office might not leave it, even though I have the package box on the porch. I hated the idea of waiting until Monday to start it. So I'll send a copy on to Mom and one to Grandma.

My boos for this week- Scanned copies of the Harry Potter book before release- shame on you. And to all the newspapers who printed secrets and spoilers- Boo! Hiss! Veronica Belmont is leaving Buzz Out Loud- Bummer! I hope Tom Merritt and Molly Wood find a third person with as good a rappoire. I think it works with three people.
My cheers this week- the Simpsons movie- 1 week left! Maria Bamford on the Never Not Funny podcast! The Monk and Psyche season openers! The Hex series ender!

I found this cat a couple of weeks ago. She has gone unclaimed, but I think I've managed to find her a home with another Persian. Persians need a lot of care and I have no experience with them. Plus the long fur makes my eyes itch. I also had promised to take a kitten off a friends hands, so now I can.

Monday, July 16, 2007

I was surprised to like the Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix movie. I even saw it twice. I haven't done that since the first movie. I wasn't surprised to not like Transformers.
I was surprised to see the church paying out like a zillion dollars. Not the paying so much as the where are they getting a zillion dollars. I thought churches were basically non profit.
Currently I'm reading the new Dortmunder book and loving it. Heard some Laurell Hamilton stories. I like finding a new author to enjoy. It's like the first bite of a new flavor of ice cream.
And, oh yeah it's Harry Potter week. I'm nearly beside myself waiting for book 7. It's the first one I've ordered to arrive on the release date. I might actually go to a Harry Potter release party at the local B and N.
I saw these bookcases. One day soon, I think I'll need to replace some of my old, wal-mart pressed board bookcases. But first some rain barrels.

Monday, July 02, 2007

So I've been totally involved with the house thing. Moving and unpacking and fixing and enjoying. It's been great.
What hasn't been great is the news. I don't know what it is, but it's just making me sad now. I think I reached a saturation point or something. I try to keep up with the headlines, because you can't ignore all the world and it's crap, but it's gotten depressing.
So I do turn to diversionary tactics like: Spider-Man 3- liked it. Pirates 3- loved it. Die Hard 4- great. Ratatouille- super fun! Oceans 13- too cool.
Oddly I'm in the middle of reading the original Peter Pan and I got my first OS X 'Study' book. I'm hoping to certify. And I'm reading Buffy Season 8.
Yea! The Closer is back on! The Medium season ending was a freak out. So was Numbers! And CSI! Monk and Psyched are soon! Hex is great!
Strangely, I'm involved in the yard; something I thought would never happen. Mostly it's the growing of flowers and trees. I hate grass.
Ohhh. I also really like the Wii! I think they changed the name because the first day I had it, I was so thrilled, I kept saying wheee! Great party fun too!
I found this pic on the net somewhere, showing a couple of cops nabbing a thief on their Segways. HA! HA!