Sunday, September 03, 2006

I'm sure hell is about to freeze over since the emmys ended on time. Conan O'Brien didn't kill Bob Newhart at the emmys. He threatened to, if the show ran over, it didn't and the whole thing was hilarious. The world is still falling apart. And in general life is getting stranger. I don't think I can comment on the odd insanity that is international politics. It's like watching kids in a sandbox, being mean to each other.
In this weeks '3 things' (now in the links list), Jenna talks about how big tobacco has added more nicotine to smokes. Geez, I'm glad I already went through the quitting thing. And after seeing lung cancer in action, I'm very, very, really glad. So we kill other people, we kill ourselves.
I tend to 'wander off' when reality gets to be too much. Yesterday, I started thinking about what would I do if I had only free time. Money to cover expenses, no need to work. So my list would be something like this:
Paint and Illustrate a whole lot.
Devote more intense time to study Japanese and Spanish. Translate stuff for fun.
Spend a day a week catching up on reading.
Learn Apple scripting. Make some Widgets.
Animate all those cartoon versions of music videos wandering in my brain.
Take up T'chi and Karate.
Catch up on my Anime watching.
Play with my websites and work on a few others.
Add to my Stikfas collection.
Try new art things, play with a few others for no reason, except to experiment.
Travel. To Australia, Japan, England, Greece, Finland, Arizona, Spain, Vancouver, Toronto.
Think of new things to do in my free time.

So this pic, comes from a Korean site about a guy who folds Origami into the shapes of Spaceships. Cool....Oh well, back to reality.

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