Thursday, December 24, 2009

Things I learned from Star Wars:

Double check the droids.
Timing is everything, so plan ahead.
Keep the crucial buttons suspended over hard to reach air shafts.
Use the controls before you blast them.
Make sure your lightsaber is fully charged.
You're never too short to be a stormtrooper.
Smuggling compartments are very handy.
Don't be too cocky, kid.
Trust the voices in your head.
Always let a wookie win at chess.

Things I learned from The Empire Strikes Back:

Don't be late, those blast doors won't stay open forever.
Taun-tauns have many uses.
Even the biggest machine can be brought down by a wire.
Be careful where you park your ship.
Make good use of a droids off button.
Never trust a bounty hunter.
There's a good chance the Empire has beat you to the best hiding places.
Don't screw with your boss, he's more powerful than you.
Pay your debts or get carbonited.
Have good medical coverage.

Things I learned from Return of the Jedi:

Help your friends and they'll repay it in kind.
Have a good translator when needed.
Don't rely on charm alone.
Never trust the odds.
Be careful who you kiss.
Not all cute things are friendly.
Lend your spaceship sparingly.
Try old passwords, because you never know.
Small help is better then no help.
Always have a back up plan.

These are playing all weekend this Christmas, so I've been watching on and off. These were my official entry into geekdom, though it took a while for me to figure it out. I wanted to be Princess Leia, like many girls who grew up around the time these movies came out, I suspect.
Also is is me or does any movie that starts with the Fox trumpeting seem wrong if it's not a Star Wars movie?

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Ok, so I want to talk about libraries. Recently I learned that all of Philadelphia's libraries came within a hairs breadth of closing. I was kinda dumbfounded. I love libraries. I get my new library card as soon as possible when moving somewhere new. I have fond memories of walking to the library during summers in NY. I loved sitting in the big baseball glove chair at the library in San Diego. One of my life's goals is to visit the big libraries all over the world. I always feel at home walking into a library, a sense of calm comes over me. I know libraries are behind the times. They are struggling to find a space in the new world of digital research and e-readers. I love these things as well, though I believe every child should learn how to look a thing up in an actual book. (Ok I believe in a lot of things based on the idea that you'll need some skills and tools when the zombie apocalypse comes)
So go to your local library. Thank someone behind the desk. Let your local politician know you love your library. If you live in Iowa or Georgia, check out the site. OR go to to your local library and get a 'What Do You Geek?" bumper sticker. If you see Bill gates, tell him and his foundation thanks for running that campaign, tell him you want to see it in your state next time.
Learning is Good People! Let's Keep It Up

Now Just For Fun:
my new favorites are : Top Chef, Ace of Cakes, Dragonfruit, Elephant Appreciation Day, Christopher Moore and clay!

Sunday, June 14, 2009

I finally made this image into a tshirt!
Here's a list of things, thoughts and music on the trip back from Florida.

Things I Saw: A billboard with a George Carlin quote ("people driving slower are idiots. people driving faster are maniacs"), oranges for sale, a mean billboard about Richmond Hill, GA (undeserved), a zillion of those construction barrels and like 10 Harley Davidson stores.
Music I Heard: Dolly Parton, Dandy Warhols, David Lee Roth, Oranges & Lemons, ALI project, X, Tank! and Lily Allen.
Things I Thought About: The nature of lightning, Dave and Busters, being glad I had ridden on the slippery go-carts so I knew what to do when my brakes locked up, the nature of a near death experience, Brisingr and how happy my cats might be to see me (mediocre).

Saturday, June 06, 2009

This is a tiny kitten I recently fostered. I hope she is happy in her new home!

road trippin'

Things I saw: a UHaul trailer on it's side. An SUV on it's side. (separate accidents!) A bizarre billboard with a rifle on it that said 'comfort yourself'. A firetruck on a dirt hill, in the middle of a field on display. A bizillion traffic cones. A car going backwards. A lot of rain.
Music I listened to: P!nk, Lady Sov, Cake, NIN, They Might Be Giants, Chingon, Blondie, Depeche Mode, Duran Duran, Gorillaz and U2.
Things I thought about: Space Monkeys (never far from my mind), twitter, a couple of art projects, the nature of rain and water, Tommy, #pawpawty, The Dalai Lama, hovercrafts, Segway, robots, the Mamas and Papas, iPhone usefulness, Godzilla, libraries and books.

Saturday, April 04, 2009

funny pictures of cats with captions
see more Lolcats and funny pictures
Doctor Who for the win!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

March 22, 2009!
International talk like William Shatner Day! As declared by Maurice LaMarche!
Maurice's declaration on YouTube

Saturday, March 14, 2009

an idea for this month's Wired magazine 'Found in the Future' column. A gum that helps the chewer create a timespace bubble. If only time travel were that easy.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Apparently sidewalk chalk is the new IM. I've been seeing these all over the school where I'm at grad classes.